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Meaning of word meanly from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

meanly   adverb

Meaning : In a nasty ill-tempered manner.

Example : `Don't expect me to help you,' he added nastily.

Synonyms : nastily

Meaning : In a despicable, ignoble manner.

Example : This new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society.

Synonyms : basely, scurvily

Meaning : Poorly or in an inferior manner.

Example : Troops meanly equipped.

Meaning : In a miserly manner.

Example : They lived meanly and without ostentation.

Synonyms : humbly


Meanly ka meaning, vilom shabd, paryayvachi aur samanarthi shabd in Marathi. Meanly ka matlab kya hota hai?