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Meaning of word freelance from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

freelance   noun

Meaning : A writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them.

Synonyms : free lance, free-lance, freelancer, independent, self-employed person

freelance   adjective

Meaning : Working for yourself.

Synonyms : free-lance, self-employed

Receiving a salary.

Salaried members of the staff.

Meaning : Serving for wages in a foreign army.

Example : Mercenary killers.

Synonyms : free-lance, mercenary

freelance   verb

Meaning : Work independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer.


Freelance ka meaning, vilom shabd, paryayvachi aur samanarthi shabd in Marathi. Freelance ka matlab kya hota hai?